The Aral Sea is a fascinating place and it attracts scientists, development workers, adventurers, photographers and artists from all over the world. Thanks to the Kokaral dam former villages on the shore of the Aral Sea are today again in the vicinity of the Aral Sea. Tastubek is probably the best place to visit, where you can see the fishermen going out also in winter to catch fish. And it is indeed fascinating even at temperatures far below the freezing point.
Fisherman on the ice on the Aral Sea.
The village of Tastubek on the north shore of the Kazakh part of the Aral Sea.
Fishermen pulling their net.
Successful catch.
Fishing at temperatures far below zero degrees Celsius.
Driving back on land to Tastubek.
The motorcycle is still the most used mode of transport in this area.
There is electricity and telephone, but no internet and no mobile phone services for the 37 families still living there.
After a hard day there is time for a traditional dinner.
The first big crack in the ice indicates that spring is coming.