Water problems in Central Asia

Author(s): Valentini K.L.; Orolbaev E.E.; Abylgazieva A.K.

Published by: ?ISI; Socinformburo; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in the Kyrgyz Republic

Published in: 20010104

Format: book

Region: Central Asia

Link: Visit this Publication


This publication presents a review of the history of the emergence and development of water-related issues in Central Asia, along with a description of the current political, economic, legal, technical and ecological problems related to the use of the water resources in the region.

The publication includes the findings of a survey involving the leading experts of the region and reflecting a broad spectrum of views as to the key water problems.

The publication targets professionals in the area of water resources management and regional use of water resources, as well as a broad audience of readers interested in the water problems of Central Asia.

Topics: IWRM,  Transboundary Water Management,  

Keywords: IWRM,  Transboundary water issues,  Water Management,