Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin

Funding Agency ADB

Implementing Agency Agency of Land Reclamation and Irrigation

Budget: US$30,000,000.00

Country: Tajikistan

Start Year: 2016

End Year: 2022

Link: Find out more

Description: The Water Resources Management in the Pyanj River basin (PRB) Project will improve institutional and physical capacities of water resources management (WRM) system in PRB of southern Tajikistan, and it will: (i) establish a PRB organization, council, and Joint PRB committee, and develop a PRB management plan; (ii) modernize and climate-proof the Chubek Irrigation System (CIS); and (iii) improve farm and water use management capacities.

Sector: Water management

Beneficiaries: communities in the Pyanj River Basin


Project Officer Takaku, Ryutaro