Vulnerability of wheat sector to climate change

Funding Agency USAID, UNDP

Implementing Agency UNDP

Budget: US$1,100,000.00

Country: Kazakhstan

Start Year: 2012

End Year: 2014

Link: Find out more

Description: The project demonstrated the implications of climate risk to the region’s food security, and worked to ensure that climate change adaptation becomes pivotal in agricultural decision-making processes at the regional, national and local levels. It demonstrated the relevance of climate change adaptation in the wheat sector and support the harmonization of financial, technical and social adaptation measures. Preventive and resilience-supporting measures were supported. The project strengthened livelihoods and resilience in Central Asia by strengthening the wheat production sector as a whole and especially its ability to anticipate, cope with, and recover from climate-related risks.

Sector: Climate Change

Beneficiaries: Kazakhstan
