Supporting climate change resilient livelihood in agricultural communities in drought-prone areas of Turkmenistan

Funding Agency UNDP, GEF

Implementing Agency State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources

Budget: 1779252

Country: Turkmenistan

Start Year: 2016

End Year: 2021

Link: Find out more

Description: The objective of the proposed project is to support climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities in the Lebap and Dashoguz velayats in Turkmenistan. Project will support three inter-related components, namely (i) improving climate related socio-economic outcomes in targeted agricultural communities in Lebap and Dashoguz velayats through the implementation of community-based adaptation solutions; (ii) Mainstreaming climate adaptation measures in agricultural and water sector development strategy and policy; and (iii) Strengthening national capacity for iterative climate change adaptation planning, implementation and monitoring in the country.

Sector: Natural resources and rural development, Climate change

