Preparation of a biodiversity conservation strategic approach Asia: Central Asia component

Funding Agency European Union

Implementing Agency Agreco Geie

Budget: €200,000.00

Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Start Year: 2016

End Year: 2017

Link: Find out more

Description: Identify the principal threats to biodiversity in Central Asia and the most appropriate responses from the EU. Building on lessons learned from past and current activities, and taking due account of the urgencies, the study proposed a coherent strategic approach outlining a suite of interventions that enable EU, as well as other donors which could adhere to it, through pragmatic well-targeted activities, to engage in effective, well-articulated and complementary interventions for biodiversity conservation

Sector: Biodiversity

Beneficiaries: Governments of Central Asia countries
