Planning for energy security and sustainability in Central Asia

Funding Agency ENVSEC

Implementing Agency adelphi, CAREC

Budget: US$115,000.00

Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Start Year: 2011

End Year: 2012

Link: Find out more

Description: This project was to: (i) consolidate a network of energy and environment professionals and institutions in a dedicated regional scenario-building workshop; (ii) improve the participants' knowledge of scenario-based approaches to energy-environment analysis and planning, and of tools available for mainstreaming environmental and sustainability concerns into energy security policies; (iii) help develop a blueprint for country-level follow-up by ENVSEC and other institutions; (iv) communicate the issues and conclusions. The cornerstone event of the project was a workshop "Planning for Energy Security and Sustainability in Central Asia".

Sector: Climate change, Energy

Beneficiaries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan
