National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan in Turkmenistan

Funding Agency GEF, UNDP

Implementing Agency UNDP

Budget: US$260,000.00

Country: Turkmenistan

Start Year: 2013

End Year: 2015

Link: Find out more

Description: This project aimed to integrate Turkmenistan’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks. This integration was done through renewed and participative biodiversity planning process. More specifically, the project ensured a participatory stocktaking exercise on biodiversity planning to develop national biodiversity targets, to integrate new aspects of the CBD into the national Strategic Action Plan and establish new national framework for resource mobilization, reporting and other aspects of CBD national implementation.

Sector: Biodiversity

Beneficiaries: Turkmenistan
