Managed aquifer recharge in the Syrdarya River Basin

Funding Agency OPEC Fund for International Development

Implementing Agency IWMI

Budget: US$ 100,000.00

Country: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan

Start Year: 2013

End Year: 2014

Link: Find out more

Description: Recent studies funded by the OFID under Phase I-IV of this project exposed the potential for storing seasonal and temporary originating excessive water flows in the aquifers of the Fergana Valley, located in the Syrdarya River upstream. Potential and free capacities were determined to store excessive water flows in the aquifers and technologies were identified for recovery the stored water for agricultural use. However to upscale these technological interventions to the basin scale this study to be continued for different environments of the Syrdarya River and Amudarya River basins.

Sector: Water management

Beneficiaries: Tajikistan
