Development and Implementation of Information System on the Monitoring of Biodiversity in Pilot Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Funding Agency Borrower, UNDP
Implementing Agency The Forestry and Hunting Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection, NGO ACBK, Local businesses involved in fishery, hunting and tourism, KazLesproekt
Description: The goal of the project is to improve the biodiversity monitoring system by means of creation of a database using GIS-technologies.
Ecosystem types and biodiversity species linked to the ecosystems as their habitat will serve as the foundation for the database. Ecosystemic approach helps to assess the ecological potential of the habitats and the way of diversity distribution of flora and fauna, and to determine the degree and mode of disturbance and threats to the biotic environment.
As a result, the proposed monitoring system will create the basis for economically and scientifically justified decision-making in the field of management and conservation of flora and fauna resources.