Central Asian Multi-Country Programme on Climate Risk Management. Climate Risk Management in Kazakhstan

Funding Agency UNDP

Implementing Agency UNDP

Budget: US$2,000,000.00

Country: Kazakhstan

Start Year: 2010

End Year: 2014

Link: Find out more

Description: Many development projects within Kazakhstan are not focused on climate risk management interventions (which includes both climate-related disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation) (CRM) and have been undertaken on an ad hoc basis and in isolation from similar endeavours, with little focus on up-scaling. Few development projects take into consideration the complexities and multi-sectoral impacts of climate change. Furthermore, few economic assessments in Kazakhstan showcase the economic impacts of climate change with and without adaptation and as a result there is very little political traction for implementing proactive adaptation responses.

Sector: Climate Change

Beneficiaries: Min. of Environemnet
