Capacity building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia, Phase III

Funding Agency ENVSEC

Implementing Agency UNECE, OSCE, UNDP

Budget: US$850,000.00

Country: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Start Year: 2011

End Year: 2017

Link: Find out more

Description: In the conclusion of Phase II of the project, the need for continued work in the area of dam safety has been underlined by all countries in the region, and the ENVSEC partners have been requested to respond to this need. Important directions for the next phase include development and implementation of national legislation, building capacity of experts, as well as finalization and signing of the cooperation agreement.

Sector: Water management, Environmental risk management

Beneficiaries: UNDP (ENVSEC leading organisation), OSCE (partner), Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
