ICCO Cooperation

Sector: NGO, Agriculture

Funding Agency:

Country: Netherlands

Type: Non-Governmental Organization


Link: Visit

Description: ICCO Cooperation is a global, non-governmental organization. ICCO gives people the opportunity to link up to viable and sustainable agribusiness value chains, acquire income and produce sufficient and quality food for a balanced diet. They connect organisations and investors, and develop skills to enhance farmers’ livelihoods. They also support organisations that help farmers obtain land titles and work with private sector businesses that purchase produce, set quality standards and strengthen producer organisations. ICCO applies and combines funding sources, different financing instruments and business entities from the ICCO Group. By doing so they accept a certain measure of risk-taking by combining grant based co-financing with non-grant based funding mechanisms like loans, equity and impact investments. At present, ICCO has country offices in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. More information is available here: www.icco-cooperation.org/