Austrian Development Agency
Sector: Multi-Sector
Funding Agency:
Country: Austria
Type: Bilateral
Link: Visit
Description: Combating poverty, ensuring peace and preserving the environment: These are the three major concerns of Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. ADA funds projects and programmes currently with a total of EUR 500 million to improve living conditions in developing countries. Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocates the ADA budget, but other federal ministries and donors or the EU, for example, draw on ADA expertise. Since 2008, the Austrian Development Agency has been conducting programmes for the European Commission. Via a further financing instrument, business partnerships, it allocates private funds for development cooperation: ADA promotes projects of enterprises in developing countries and emerging nations if they contribute to improving the conditions of life of the population in a region. Most funds are invested in its key regions and priority countries. ADA is primarily engaged in sectors where it can bring its professional know-how and long-standing experience to bear in: water supply and sanitation, renewable energy, climate protection, agriculture and forestry, private sector & development as well as human security, human rights and rule of law. It attaches particular importance in all its programmes and projects to the equal participation of women, taking special account of the needs of children and persons with disabilities. More information is available here: